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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Get Rid From Bizarre Life in Covid-19

Covid-19 drops the Isolation Bomb on Life & turned the tables
Today, the amalgam of isolation and monotony is a hotbed for lot of drastic behavioral, social, psychological and emotional challenges including the threat of monotony, the daily proliferation in this menace creating a disastrous effects on one’s health whether he got infected with Corona or not.  

This pandemic makes life so bizarre of all and sundry in the whole world and creating diverse impacts on the people of different ages. Each and  exploring the ways to curtail this bizarre life.

Now it’s time to accept the fact that this situation is not going to end as soon as we had hoped. In so many places, people are in the self-isolation at home with the probability that they could be stuck there for months more.

Why Life Become This Much Bizarre?

Ordinarily, we all are propped up by our same daily sequence of actions. We sprint to the office at 9:00, sending kids to school and then coping up the house chores but in quarantine, entire routine changed and there are no activities left, no plans are going to work out for weekends. In quarantine, we may realize that we are actually not that brilliant at planning what to do.

 Adventure May Hurt You But
Monotony Will Kill You
Isolation turned the table of whole world as it didn’t left the difference between weekdays and weekends due to which life becomes extremely bizarre, monotone and stagnant.

People want to break the monotony and trying hard to survive through this bizarre life caused by the Covid-19, but still the  threat of boredom lurks, appearing most frequently when a book or mobile phone can no longer hold the attention or an individual becomes so much exhausted from TV or media as well.

The outcomes of boredom are not of little value, it leads towards so many other problems, issues and hopelessness.                      

  “Beware of  Monotony; it’s the                 mother of all the deadly sins”                                              (Edith Wharton)

According to Psychologists, the monotony is linked with the development of harmful habits such as addictions or abusive activities. In this period the Corona is not only the peril to human life but the individuals who are bored are also at intensified risk of developing depression and anxiety.

Tips For Combating The Monotony During Isolation 

No one wants to be lifeless and tedious, but it’s almost inescapable during this time of social distancing and self-isolation because stress levels are too high and whole situation becomes alarming and life threatening. The best way to keep ourselves calm is to accept the changes and learn to let it go and have patience. Each and everyone becomes exhausted from this isolated routine and their bizarre life. To survive through this monotony and bizarre life, we should take this self-isolation as a moment for self-evolution and renewal of ourselves. It doesn't mean that you hurl out all house rules, just focus on finding ways to fortify positive behaviors while battling with Corona Virus.

Ways To Transform Bizarre Life into Easy Life

  • Self-assessment
Consider lockdown period or quarantine as an opportunity and use it for your self-assessment. Take that time, focus on your abilities and explore your inner self. A period of change allowed us to reflect on our goals and values which spark back our lives.
  • Make Exercise Part of Daily Routine
Keep your brain and body healthy by doing exercise in this bizarre life and track that how regular exercise makes you feel so fresh, strong and positive once again. It will boost your immune system as well which is an essential need to fight with Covid-19. Engage your kids in your work outs and motivate them to do the same and make exercise as the habit in their daily routine.
  • Create DIY Projects With Kids
“Do It Yourself” is the creative method to design different  types of unique and useful things by the help of your own new ideas, with less materials yourself instead of handing over others people or professionals to do it for you. Parents and kids can design, build, repair and innovate so many things with a simple tricks and materials. Some of those are: Transforming simple cartons into mosques or any type of design, making of glittery slime by kids, home decorating items, so many art and craft projects, growing your own vegetables or new ways of decorating garden through plants and any kind of bottles.
  • Hang Out With Close Ones Through Video Calls
In this tough time of self-isolation due to Covid-19 everyone become exhausted due to absence of social interaction because it is naturally proved that the humans are social animal and we can’t move in the society without social gatherings and interaction.  But in this situation no one is able to arrange social gatherings so the best tip to hangout with the close friends and family members is through making a video call to them by using different video calling apps.
  • Build a Gaming Zone for Kids
In a corner of your house build a gaming or activity zone for your kids where they can do easily whatevert they want to do, because this time is also difficult for kids as well. They become so much exhausted as well due to closure of school and no proper routine or activities. Give them your time and create new activities or gaming ideas and play with them too to make their time enjoyable and to make them feel good.
  • Self-care
Don’t worry ladies, if salons are closed. You can still pamper yourself by giving yourself the gift of self-care. Give yourself the same care and attention that you give to others and watch yourself bloom. 
Make yourself comfortable and fresh by taking hot bath, by doing those activities which you love to do and enjoy some ME time to make yourself relax.
  • Stay Positive                                             
To keep ourselves positive during this lockdown is tough. We don't know how much time this pandemic will take to be finished. It's keep on changing the dynamics of the whole world. Everyone is in stress and tension. I advise you to put your trust in God. Look at those who are below you and say thanks to God for every bounties you have in this lockdown. Think about the blessings you have and keep yourself positive with the hope that the Corona pandemic will end soon!